Conditions we Treat

Spinal Instability

About Spinal Instability

Spinal instability is a condition characterized by abnormal movement between the vertebrae of the spine, leading to pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility for patients. Common symptoms of spinal instability may include back pain, numbness or tingling in the limbs, muscle weakness, and difficulty standing or walking. This condition can significantly impact patients’ daily lives, making it challenging to perform regular activities and affecting their overall quality of life. Potential causes of spinal instability may include spinal injuries, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, or ligament damage. Risk factors associated with the condition can include age, previous spinal surgeries, and certain medical conditions that weaken the spine’s supporting structures.

Treatment Options for Spinal Instability

At Gateway Pain Solutions, patients with spinal instability have access to a range of advanced treatment options tailored to address their specific needs. Treatment modalities may involve targeted injections of anti-inflammatory medications or corticosteroids to reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area. In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgical interventions such as spinal fusion or minimally invasive procedures may be recommended to stabilize the spine and alleviate symptoms effectively. Dr. Ranson’s expertise in interventional pain medicine ensures that patients receive individualized care to help them regain comfort and functionality in their daily lives despite spinal instability.

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Take the first step towards living pain-free with Gateway Pain Solutions.